Compliance at OneStop Pro

The corporate culture in the Beutlhauser Group is shaped by a clear sense of responsibility, mutual respect and trust. Lawful conduct and ethical behaviour form an integral part of our business activities and are key to ensuring our long-term success as a company. Amongst other things, this is designed to prevent risks that would jeopardise the trust the Beutlhauser Group enjoys amongst customers, business partners and the general public.

Anyone can use our whistleblower system to report potential infringements on an individual or anonymous basis:

You can contact us if you suspect criminal activity or a serious breach of regulations, either giving your name or staying completely anonymous. You will remain protected throughout the process. Your report cannot be traced back to you as long as you yourself do not disclose any information that would enable you to be identified.

Once you have submitted your report, a secure area will be set up for you that you can access using a case number, making it easier and safer for us to communicate with you. Make a note of this case number so that you will be able to access your report later on.

Your report will be dealt with by the Beutlhauser Group’s Internal Audit team. Whistleblowers will receive confirmation of receipt within seven days of their report being received. Internal Audit will then examine the potential illegal activity or breach of regulations. The principle of the presumption of innocence shall apply unless or until the investigating body can prove that an infringement has occurred. The whistleblower will be notified of any action that is planned or has been taken within three months at the latest of being told their report was received.

Note that this system must not be abused in order to file deliberately incorrect or defamatory reports.

External reporting bodies
An external report may also be filed under the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) if it relates to Beutlhauser companies whose registered office is in Germany. For this purpose, the German government has set up an external reporting body at the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), which is impartial and separate to the rest of the BfJ’s remit in organisational terms. If you would prefer to file an external report, please consult the information at

Verbal reports
We cannot accept verbal reports submitted directly. However, you can submit your report as an audio file using the whistleblower system or request a face-to-face meeting.

Face-to-face meeting
Under the whistleblower system, you can request a meeting instead of submitting a report electronically.